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Compliance and the Expanding Need for Security Accountability

Compliance and the Expanding Need for Security Accountability

Companies that sell software, manufactured parts or legal services are very different types of businesses, yet all of them have something in common. They’re all faced with an increasing need to prove that they are safeguarding the data that they gather, use and store. Sometimes the need for security compliance comes from legal regulations but for an increasing number of organizations, the need for security compliance is coming from their customers or vendors. In this article, we’re going to explore how cybersecurity compliance requirements are extending into industries that haven’t traditionally been regulated and present an overview of the compliance […]

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Partnering with Your Cybersecurity Services Provider: Your Key Role

Partnering with Your Cybersecurity Service Provider: Your Key Role

Cybersecurity is not just about technology tools and checking the right boxes to make sure all your software is working in tandem. If it was, then security strategy would be a set-it and forget-it process. Unfortunately, there is no easy button for standing up a solid cyber defense and when you work with an outsourced cybersecurity services provider, you have a key role to play in your own security success. In fact, instead of thinking about the cybersecurity services company you work with as a provider, you should think of them as a partner. For a partnership to function, each […]

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How Much Do Cybersecurity Services Cost?

How much do cybersecurity services cost?

Back when your cyber defense was simple, you probably didn’t think too much about the cost. Now that your cybersecurity strategy is more sophisticated and requires a bigger investment, you might wonder if what you’re paying is reasonable. While we can’t give you precise answer to that question, we can help you understand what drives cybersecurity costs. The first thing to keep in mind as you’re evaluating cybersecurity services costs is to realize that there are many different components and it’s hard to separate out a specific cost for each. That would be like going to a restaurant and asking […]

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How to Choose a Cybersecurity Service Provider: 7 Questions to Ask

how to choose a cybersecurity service provider

When you recognize the signs that your internal IT team or small IT support company can’t handle everything that needs to be done with security, it’s time to outsource cybersecurity services. These signs could be anything from experiencing a cyber-attack to your inability to qualify for cyber insurance. Even if you don’t know what to look for, a gut feeling that your business isn’t as protected as it should be is something that you shouldn’t ignore. Managed IT and cyber defense companies like Bellwether are here to bring you the security capability that you don’t have in-house. Not only can […]

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What Roles Are Included in a Cybersecurity Department?

What's roles are included in a cybersecurity department?

It used to be that whatever needed to be done to manage cybersecurity could be handled by a small internal team. It’s a lot different now. There’s too much for one person to do or know. Today cybersecurity is a discipline of its own that includes different specialties. To cover all the bases, you really need a whole cybersecurity department and that’s not feasible for most small and medium-sized businesses (SMB). The way that SMB’s are getting the cybersecurity capability they need is to partner with managed IT and cyber defense companies like Bellwether. By outsourcing, companies get access to […]

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Why You Need a vCISO

Why you need a vCISO

It used to be possible for a small IT team to do everything that needed to be done to set up a strong cyber defense. These days, most businesses need to bring in outsourced cybersecurity consulting services and the guidance of a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) to navigate through the complexities of a multi-layered approach to cybersecurity. Why do you need a vCISO? Can you imagine a cruise ship without a captain? Operations in different areas of the ship might be able to take place on their own. The engines would run. The kitchen would prepare food. The […]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation’s Security Operations Manager Earns CISSP Credential

Bellwether Technology Corporation’s Security Operations Manager Earns CISSP Credential

(December 5, 2022 – New Orleans, LA) Corey Crossman, Security Operations Center Manager at Bellwether Technology Corporation, is now a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). Earning this certification not only validates Corey’s depth of knowledge about cybersecurity tactics but demonstrates his ability to lead a team in the creation and implementation of an effective cybersecurity strategy. The criteria to become a CISSP includes a successful score on the rigorous certification exam, plus work experience in the cybersecurity field, and a personal pledge to follow the code of ethics established by the certification body (ISC)2. “Although I’ve been working in […]

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7 Factors That Guide Cybersecurity Strategy

7 Factors That Guide Cybersecurity Strategy

If you don’t have a strategy that guides how your organization prevents and responds to cyber-attacks, you probably have gaps that are opening up the door to more risk than you can imagine. On the other hand, when you are strategic, you can be confident that what you’re doing isn’t just managing risk but actually lowering it. Lower Cyber Risk by Being Strategic How do you create a cybersecurity strategy that lowers cyber risk? The details are going to be specific to your company, but we’ll give you some talking points that should be included in your strategy discussions. Here’s […]

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What’s Involved with a Cybersecurity Assessment?

What's involved with a cybersecurity assessment?

“Do we need a cybersecurity assessment?” That’s what business leaders are asking as they wonder if their organization has gaps in their cybersecurity posture. Sometimes there’s a lack of confidence in the abilities of their IT team to stand up an effective cyber defense. More often than not, the decision to conduct a cybersecurity assessment has to do simply with the desire to get an objective view of what’s really going on with security. Whether you have a technical background or not, a cybersecurity assessment can answer a lot of questions, especially those that you didn’t think to ask. These […]

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10 Security Mistakes That Increase Cyber Risk

10 security mistakes that increase cyber risk

You could have gaps in cybersecurity that make you a bigger target for cyber criminals than you realize. In a world where a cyber attack happens every 39 seconds, it’s only a matter of time before your security blind spots are exploited. When that happens and you find yourself having to deal with the aftermath of a data breach, you’ll wish that you had locked the doors and windows to your network a lot tighter – and sooner. Creating and implementing an effective cybersecurity strategy takes resources of both time and money but a cyber-attack is going to eat up […]

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